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About us

We are Robertas Dumpis, programmer and system architect and Rimantas Ribaciauskas, theatre writer and producer. We both live in Vilnius, Lithuania, and do digital things together.


Remote Player was born in 2019, it’s first version was design for one specific project – The Filler, sonic experience in the former Jewish Vilnius ghetto (more about the project here). The soundwalk has been very successful in Lithuania and was awarded a Golden Stage Cross (highest theatre award in the country) for the best dramaturgy and nominated for the best theatrical experience of the year.


In 2021, we got a small grant from Lithuanian Council for Culture to further develop the digital tool into a platform open for everyone creating similar experiences. So we did.


We know that creating a technology based artistic project can be complicated process. Get in touch, and we will happily help and answer your questions. We can also schedule a zoom call to explain you more about the features of Remote Player or think about custom solutions for your idea.

Get in touch with us at or use the contact form:

Thanks for reaching out. We’ll get back to you soon.

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